Hosted by the Chinese Wushu Association and the municipal government of the city of Haikou, China, the 2nd World Taijiquan and Health Conference was held in December 18th to 20th, 2005. Conference events included seminars, demonstrations and tutoring sessions from Taichi experts as well as world class Taichi competitions involving 1900 athletes from 13 countries and regions.
The Canadian Ji Hong Wushu and Taichi College sent three students to the competition. They did not disappoint, capturing 3 gold and 3 silver medals. Their proud achievement includes:
Grace Lee (Edmonton) | Woman’s Yang style Taichi form – Gold |
Grace Lee (Edmonton) | Woman’s Yang style Taichi sword – Gold |
Erica Lam (Calgary) | Woman’s Chen style Taichi form – Gold |
Erica Lam (Calgary) | Woman’s Chen style Taichi sword – Silver |
Deannette Baljadia (Edmonton) | Woman’s Yang style Taichi form – Silver |
Deannette Baljadia (Edmonton) | Woman’s Yang style Taichi sword – Silver |
A special mention goes to Grace Lee’s performance of the Yang style Taichi form that brought down the house by scoring the highest among all the events in the entire tournament. Again, Ji Hong students prove to be the powerhouse in major international competitions.
To cap-off this successful event, Master Luo Hong Yuan, a certified class A international Wushu adjudicator was appointed by the conference as deputy chief judge and an overseas Tai Chi specialist. Master Luo was the conference’s only judge from outside China.
(Translated from Singtao News, January 11, 2006)
由中國武術協會和海口市政府主辦的第二屆世界太極拳健康大會,則于12月18至20日在中國海口市舉行。大會包括了名家表演、輔導、講座和太極拳、械比賽等內容,其中來自13個國家與地區的 1,900 多名選手參加了這一世界級的比賽。加拿大基宏武術、太極拳學院選派了3名選手參賽,結果不負眾望一舉奪得三金三銀的驕人成績。 其中 Grace Lee(愛城)獲得女子楊式太極拳、劍兩個金獎; Erika Larm(卡城) 獲得陳式太極拳金獎、陳式太極劍銀獎; Deannette Balajadia(愛城) 獲得楊式太極拳、械兩個銀獎。更值得一提的是 Grace Lee 的楊式太極拳獲得整個賽事的最高分而轟動一時,再次展示了基宏選手在國際大賽的實力。