Tai Chi Forms

Tai Chi Forms

Welcome to Ji Hong Tai Chi & Qi Gong

A Tai Chi form is a series of connected movements executed continuously from beginning to end. There are five main family styles of tai chi: Chen, Yang, Wu, Sun and Hao. All five styles have the same origin and share many similarities. However, each style has its own unique characteristics and emphasizes a particular aspect of movement.

Below we will describe the different Tai Chi forms from the various family styles.

Chen Style Tai Chi

Chen Style Tai Chi is the oldest and the original tai chi form. It is the most dynamic of all the styles with a combination of soft and power movements, a tempo with varying speeds of slow, fast and very fast, and techniques that include kicks, punches and jumps. Overall it provides the most cardio and physical workout among all the styles.

Chen Style Tai Chi is suitable for those who are looking for a more energetic form of tai chi, or are interested in the martial arts aspect of tai chi. Chen Style Tai Chi makes an excellent complement to other martial arts or sports.

Within Chen style, there are two forms that are being taught: Chen style first routine and Chen style second routine (a.k.a. Cannon Fist).

Chen Style First Routine

The Chen Style First Routine is challenging to learn and will require 3 terms of training courses (Chen Level 1, Chen Level 2 and Chen Level 3) to complete learning all 83 moves of the form. After that students progress to the Chen Advance training course.

Cannon Fist

Movements in the Cannon Fist form are impressively powerful and lightning fast. The entire form is an inter-mix of hard and soft movements that include jumps, spins, kicks, punches using elastic explosive power.

We recommend learning Cannon Fist after you have completed learning Chen Style First Routine and have attended at least one term of Chen Advance classes.

(To learn more, read  the blog – What is Chen Style Tai Chi?)

Cannon Fist

Movements in the Cannon Fist form are impressively powerful and lightning fast. The entire form is an inter-mix of hard and soft movements that include jumps, spins, kicks, punches using elastic explosive power. It demonstrates a commanding presence and is highly difficult to execute. When practicing Cannon Fist, internal focus is on the elastic explosive power, external focus is on the striking aspects of the moves. The entire form consists of 71 moves.

When watching a tai chi master demonstrate the form, observe the ease in which he or she flows back and forth between the soft and hard movements. Note the execution of the fast moves which is generated internally using elastic explosive power and does not require much preparation that you can see from the external body. The power explodes through the entire body and you may notice the reverberation of the force. Another important observation is that posture and balance is never compromised, regardless of the move.

From the Cannon Fist form, you can see how Tai Chi can be an extremely effective form of martial art. From softness and stillness, one can explode into power and speed with very little warning to the opponent.

Yang Style Tai Chi

Yang Style Tai Chi is the most widely practiced style of tai chi in the world today. It ranks second in terms of seniority after Chen Style. The required stances are wide and low, however individuals can adjust to a higher, narrower stance based on their own ability. Movements are big and mostly linear, and the pace is consistently slow throughout the entire form. The soft, graceful, and fluid movements of the style is why tai chi is commonly referred to as “Moving Meditation”.

Yang Style Tai Chi is suitable for many people, for example:

  • You want an exercise that the whole family can participate in
  • You have an injury or limitations, and need a slow, low impact exercise
  • You want to meditate to calm your mind but cannot do it sitting quietly
  • You want to improve your balance to prevent falls
  • You want an exercise that does not require lying on the ground, equipment or special attire, so you can do it anywhere, anytime

It takes 2 terms of training courses (Yang Level 1, Yang Level 2) to complete learning all 85 moves of the form. After that students progress to the Yang Advance training course.

(To learn more, read the blog – What is Yang Style Tai Chi?)

Wu Style Tai Chi

Wu Style Tai Chi is the second most popular style of tai chi practiced in the world today. It uses a medium stance, and its movements are smaller and more compact than those used in Yang style.

Wu style tai chi is unique in its emphasis on the extension of the body by leaning forward and backward rather than remaining upright, as one does in the other styles of tai chi. The back leg serves as a counterbalance, allowing for added extension without losing balance. The unique posture and stance is especially good for strengthening the lower back and core.

It takes 3 terms of training courses (Wu Level 1, Wu Level 2 and Wu Level 3) to complete learning all 89 moves of the form. After that students progress to the Wu Advance training course.

(To learn more, read the blog – What is Wu Style Tai Chi?)

Sun Style Tai Chi

Sun style tai chi is the second least popular of the five styles. The style incorporates unique footwork and gentle, flowing, circular hand movements. With its smooth, fluid movements and swift steps, Sun style tai chi mimics a graceful dance.

Classes for Sun style tai chi are only offered when there is sufficient requests for it.

Hao Style Tai Chi

Practised by few—even in China—Hao is the least popular of the five styles. This style puts a strong emphasis on internal qi. Practitioners learn to focus internally and make significant internal movements to trigger subtle outer movements. Externally, the movements may look quite similar.

Hao is a more advanced style of tai chi. With a strong focus on controlling the movement of qi (internal force), this style is not recommended for beginners.