
Tai Chi for Mental Health
Avoid Dementia & Alzheimer’s with Tai Chi
Avoid Dementia & Alzheimer’s with Tai Chi
A wonderful and long life still needs to be stimulating and challenging to be enjoyable for us.  As these and other studies show, it is social interaction, intellectual stimulation, motor skills development and physical health that we need to age gracefully.  As a practice, tai chi helps people whether elderly or not to challenge themselves on all these fronts while achieving peace and less stress.
Why Do People Enjoy Tai Chi?
Why Do People Enjoy Tai Chi?
If you enjoy expressing yourself through art, then tai chi is perfect as a means to discover yourself and express yourself through movement. The awareness and integration of mind and body, the expression of character and personality through tai chi movement can be very fulfilling.
Tai Chi for Physical Health
People with Parkinson’s Practice Tai Chi
People with Parkinson’s Practice Tai Chi
It’s been shown that tai chi slows the decline in motor coordination and skills in people with Parkinson’s disease.  People with Parkinson’s also fell less often all while increasing their walking stride and the speed of their movements.  Each person is unique in their experiences and progression of Parkinson’s but along with proper medication, enjoying tai chi can help people live with Parkinson’s with as much confidence and self-assurance as possible.
General Qi Gong
A Comparison of Qi Gong versus Tai Chi
A Comparison of Qi Gong versus Tai Chi
There are many different types of qi gong with hundreds of styles and 5 major schools of tai chi with many variations within each. Tai chi and qi gong are two very different disciplines. It is like comparing dance with aerobics. Both involve movement coordinated with music and are good exercises for the body, however their intent is very different. Tai chi and qi gong also appear similar because they involve slow movements and provide a host of health benefits, but their intent is different.